
The Anemone series by Michela Cattai stands out for its extraordinary original design, characterized by a refined color palette composed of Antique Gold, Amber, and Hydrangea.

Anemone series, Michela Cattai
Anemone series, Michela Cattai
Anemone series, Michela Cattai
Anemone series, Michela Cattai
Anemone series, Michela Cattai

What makes this collection unique is the masterful use of glass reliefs, giving the artworks an extraordinary vitality. The blurred, moving, and organic petals create a poetic image reminiscent of petals in the wind, bringing to life a suggestive combination of natural inspiration and creative expression

Anemone series, Michela Cattai

Michela Cattai goes beyond the mere reproduction of natural beauty; through blown glass, she transforms anemones into glass sculptures that invite deep reflection on the intrinsic beauty of nature. The rounded and vibrant forms not only interpret but also enhance beauty, creating works of art that go beyond mere aesthetics and encourage a deeper contemplation of nature and its extraordinary vitality.

Michela Cattai - Anemone